This Week I Hate

Friday, February 24, 2006

Morning Radio

"Coming up next we've got Kelly Clarkson but first here's Coldplay with 'Fix You'." Well there's a fucking surprise, because, actually, that's exactly what you played at this time yesterday morning. And the day before that. And the day before that. get the point.

But it's not only the repitition that gets me. I understand that the presenters are duty bound to play what the station tells them to (who are, in turn, bound to play what the record companies pay them to, or however it works) but they don't have to enjoy it quite so much. "Hard Fi," I heard one say the other morning, "are the best band in the World at the moment," after playing 'Cash Machine' at 8.14am for the fifth day in a row. Are they? Well thanks for telling me but coming from the same person who refers to James B**** as 'Blunty', I'm not totally inclined to believe you.

Do these people really enjoy having such limited and unimaginative music tastes? Or are they just paid to?

The problem is, where do I go? The radio station I'm referring to is the local 103.2. I changed to that because Chris Moyles is a desperately unfunny twat. I tried Wogan for a bit but just found his voice too dreary for that time of the morning.

Maybe I should give up on the radio and just get an alarm clock with a bell.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Getting out of bed

Hmmm...I'm all warm and comfortable in my bed. I've just found the position I've been searching for all night - the one that is amazingly comfortable and also covers 99% of me with my duvet. And best of all - I don't need a piss! The 4am visit to the toilet sorted out that little problem. Sure, it wasn't nice getting up then, but fuck me is it worth it now. This is perfect sleep time.

One problem - it's 8.30am. I have to be in work for 9am. Oh bollocks. Yet another perfect sleep set-up passes me by. And you can bet that I won't be able to find that position on Saturday morning.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Organised Religion, Hypocrisy and Cartoons

What a load of bollocks. I mean, really. It's like the World has become a big school playground and one of the kids who hangs around behind A Block has said something about one of the kids who hangs around behind the bikesheds mum. And then bike shed kid has burnt his house down and threatened to kill his family.

It's pathetic and it seems that, once again, organised religion is providing the mask behind which some people are fulfilling their violent tendancies. And again it's "'The West' attacking Islam." Well I am, apparently, part of 'The West' and I can say quite honestly that I don't give a fuck. I don't care. If you want to believe whatever it is Islam says you should believe then go for it. It makes no difference to me. Same with Christianity - same with all of them. I don't care. Believe what you like but leave me out of it.

But in the same way leaders insist that we don't paint all Muslims with the extremist brush, they are painting the whole of 'The West' with the anti-Islam brush. 'The Divide' is, apprently, bigger than ever now and growing fast. Well it's not from my point of view. As far as I'm concerned, your religion is insignificant to me - it's your actions as a human being that I judge you on. But if they keep on like this - extreme violent reactions, excused by religion - then I wouldn't be surprised if the 'gap' (which, some might say, is the product of their own labour) does widen. It's almost like they want it to.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I have so much to hate this week that I daren't even think about it, let alone write about it. I've had my wisdom teeth out, you see. All four of them. And yes, it hurts. And it's uncomfortable and I can't eat. And the anti-biotics are horrible and doing horrible things to me. But, you know, that was kind of expected and it probably would have been a reasonable hate had it just been that.

Half way through the week my brother very kindly passed on his stomach-flu-virus on to me. Let me tell you, in case you were wondering, that projectile-vomitting with stitches and healing wounds in your mouth is not a pleasant experience. Neither is shitting every couple of hours for 36 hours (and counting).

So I can't do it this week, I'm afraid. If I were to sit here hating I would, quite possibly, die of hate. That and dehydration and infected mouth wounds.