This Week I Hate

Friday, February 24, 2006

Morning Radio

"Coming up next we've got Kelly Clarkson but first here's Coldplay with 'Fix You'." Well there's a fucking surprise, because, actually, that's exactly what you played at this time yesterday morning. And the day before that. And the day before that. get the point.

But it's not only the repitition that gets me. I understand that the presenters are duty bound to play what the station tells them to (who are, in turn, bound to play what the record companies pay them to, or however it works) but they don't have to enjoy it quite so much. "Hard Fi," I heard one say the other morning, "are the best band in the World at the moment," after playing 'Cash Machine' at 8.14am for the fifth day in a row. Are they? Well thanks for telling me but coming from the same person who refers to James B**** as 'Blunty', I'm not totally inclined to believe you.

Do these people really enjoy having such limited and unimaginative music tastes? Or are they just paid to?

The problem is, where do I go? The radio station I'm referring to is the local 103.2. I changed to that because Chris Moyles is a desperately unfunny twat. I tried Wogan for a bit but just found his voice too dreary for that time of the morning.

Maybe I should give up on the radio and just get an alarm clock with a bell.


  • Try radio four. You'd be amazed what little gems come up on the news..... :o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 pm  

  • Doh Pete - you beat me to it...

    However as regards music if you have digital I can recommend playlist free BBC 6

    By Blogger Mike, at 2:26 pm  

  • The Today programme is the new rock'n'roll.

    Luckily BBC6 is the old rock'n'roll.

    There is nothing else you need.

    By Blogger The Great Blandini, at 5:02 pm  

  • Just checked out BBC6, very chilled. I also had a look at the today program online. Well worth it!

    ..... and just to prove that the force is strong in these blogs, here's the thing that pulls it all together! I think you talked about something like this in your blog recently Mike......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 am  

  • CD alarm clocks are the way forward, PH

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 pm  

  • Radio bore's today programme is fanastic if you are sick of puke-inducing pussycat pop.
    However, when they have a hot potato of a political story they will have the same bulletin running for hours and hours about it.. so then they say 'it is 7.02 am' and you doze off and think it's only 7.05 as they are having the same bulletin.. they will suddenly announce 'it is 8.47am' resulting in you sitting bolt upright in bed having a seizure and being late for work as you have been sucked in to a radio 4 timewarp.
    The lib dem leadership contest nearly got me a disciplinary..
    thanks beeb.

    By Blogger Lizzie, at 12:35 pm  

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