This Week I Hate

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas Cards

It's not the ones from old friends who send them in the post. Not that I get any of them, but my parents do. I think that's nice in a way. And it's not the ones from current and close friends. Although possibly unnecessary, it's still a nice gesture and it is, after all, Christmas. I don't hate Christmas, it may be interesting to note. I quite like it in fact, but for relatively simple reasons. I like having time off work and I like the fact that we devote that time mainly to getting drunk and eating a lot with friends and family. That's what I do anyway, and it's good.

It's Christmas cards from other people I don't really like. Work is the main offender for this, somewhat predictably. This morning, for example, there was one on my desk from the woman who sits round the corner. She barely says a word to me all year and will avoid my eye if I pass her in the street but she gives me a Christmas card covered in 'Best Wishes' and 'Good Will to All Men' slogans. Why bother with such an obviously forced gesture? I'd prefer it if she spread her 'good will' out over the course of the year and was actually polite to me when she passed me in the street. She probably wouldn't, though. She'd rather leave a card on my desk for me to pick up when I get in to work. That way she doesn't even have to speak to me. She shouldn't have bothered.


  • Hey! Maybe she fancies you but goes all tongue tied when she thinks about talking to you. Did you recieve any inexplicable valentine cards this year?? ;o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:57 am  

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