This Week I Hate

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Click to Enter

I spend a fair amount of time looking at websites. There are a number of reasons behind this but, more recently, it's to look at bands websites. And they seem to be the worst offenders.

The following is something I am seeing all to often:

"(Band Name) Click to Enter"

Normally over an image.

Click to enter? Why the fuck do you think I've bothered to come here in the first place? To sit and look at your shitty logo? To decide if, having entered your URL and pressed enter, I might want a second chance to think if I want to go to your website after all? Just fucking get on with it and let me look at whatever shit it is you've decided to share with the world.


  • I am SO with you on this one but if you really want death-by-twatty-website, go to our Isle of Wight Bands (the worst offenders) page and see those fucking .tk sites.

    It's like running through treacle. With cement in your shoes. And arthritis in both legs.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:11 pm  

  • Call me radical but.......I think we should start a movement for band website that have a click to exit button so that when you can't stand anymore of the pretentious drivel and weird photos you get the satisfaction of pressing a really big red "devil be gown" button! :^)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 pm  

  • YES! I have to say I'm with both PH's annoyance at 'click to enter' buttons, and Pete's solution.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:40 pm  

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