This Week I Hate

Thursday, December 01, 2005

People (walking)

I feel like I am the centre of some kind of Truman Show experiment this week. Has everyone in the world been told to make it as difficult as possible for me to walk around? It bloody feels like it.

Everywhere - the supermarket, at work, the high street, in shops - I am encountering numerous people who seem to have no concept of how to walk either in a straight line or with any sense of normality.

There's the classic opposing-directions scenario - we're both thinking of going the same way to get round each other, so we both change to the other side, then we're facing each other again and a collision is imminent, so we both come to a virtual stop and do that juddering this-way-that-way thing and nearly head butt each other. Yes, ok, it's no ones fault. But it's still annoying.

The other ones that seem to be targeting me this week are people who go out of their way to get in my way. I'm walking through the shopping centre in a straight line, towards the exit. Someone comes up from behind me, passes me, cuts infront of me and slows down. What are you doing? Get out of the fucking way!

I've said it before and will no doubt say it again - there are too many people in this country. The only noticeable effect of cutting the population in half is that there would be less fucking morons about.


  • Being a good little conspiracy theorist, I believe it is all to do with whether you have your mobile on you and switch on. If you have, "they" know where you are. You can just picture the scenario in the background: Lots of people hiding in doorways and back alleys.
    "this is control center, GPS shows him heading your way, get ready to mill about in his path.......go-go-go"
    Same applies to driving. Turn your phone off and people pull out in front of you less. Its a fact!! ;^)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:38 pm  

  • Death camps for morons, I say.

    I have to agree that people have the same attitude to walking as driving.

    My favourite is when they walk up behind me in a space where they can't pass, get as close as they can to me, sway left, sway right, sigh loudly, and generally present a ball of repressed energy behind me.

    Apart from continuing to walk forward, what do you want me to do, fuckstick? Bend down so you can climb over me?

    Now back off.


    By Blogger The Great Blandini, at 11:02 am  

  • Talking about reducing the number of morons in the country, I'm compiling a list... It's quite theraputic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:59 pm  

  • Andrea - where do you the find the time?
    I'd never get anything done.
    Unless you use a quota system, like Stalin.
    Hey! Good idea.
    Right - everyone in Essex who isn't me.

    By Blogger The Great Blandini, at 3:28 pm  

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