This Week I Hate

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Whatever people mean by 'one of those weeks', I'm having one. There's nothing in particular, it just seems to be everything. Even normal things, like eating - I'm bored of dinner and the usual shit I cook. But I can't be bothered to do something else - that would require going to the shops and making decisions. I can't be fucked - I wish I could just take a pill that fills me up.

Every phone call at work, and home, for that matter, has me muttering 'oh fuck off' under my breath. Every caller's voice annoys me. I'm even getting pissed off with my own excessive internet usage at work and my lack of motivation for what I should be doing. And anyway - why can't I have a job I actually like? Why can't someone pay me to do things I actually enjoy?

Cycling - how can the roads be in such a fucking state? I feel like billing the council for a new set of wheels. It's not like we don't give them any money to maintain them is it? Bastards.


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