This Week I Hate

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Getting out of bed

Hmmm...I'm all warm and comfortable in my bed. I've just found the position I've been searching for all night - the one that is amazingly comfortable and also covers 99% of me with my duvet. And best of all - I don't need a piss! The 4am visit to the toilet sorted out that little problem. Sure, it wasn't nice getting up then, but fuck me is it worth it now. This is perfect sleep time.

One problem - it's 8.30am. I have to be in work for 9am. Oh bollocks. Yet another perfect sleep set-up passes me by. And you can bet that I won't be able to find that position on Saturday morning.


  • I didn't want to get our of bed this morning.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:33 pm  

  • I never want to get out of bed on any morning...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:43 pm  

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