This Week I Hate

Friday, November 03, 2006

It's been a bit of a week for genitalia

Walking through the park the other lunchtime I passed a fairly ordinary looking bloke. He was about 50-ish, I would say, and slightly scruffy - not a drinking-cider-all-day kinda scruffy, just not particularly smart. He was clean shaven, wore a blue coat and a smart-ish pair of trousers. He was carrying a carrier bag but, again, it wasn't a holds-all-his-worldly-posessions kinda carrier bag, just a normal sort of couldn't-think-of-anything-better-to-put-it-in kinda carrier bag. He was as non-descript as it gets really, minding his own business, apart from one thing - his cock was hanging out the front of his trousers. I've no idea if he knew this or not, but there it was, dangling around for all to see. I suppose he might be a park-wanking pervert of some kind, I don't know. He seemed not to have particularly noticed.

My Spanish teacher is a middle-aged woman of average height and build and, like park-wanker, fairly non-descript. That is, of course, apart from one thing - she was today sporting the most blatant and extreme case of cameltoe I have ever seen. Quite frankly, it wouldn't have been any more obvious if she were naked. Some less-selective perverts than myself might have seen this as a good thing. I have to admit, it was difficult to ignore after I'd seen it initially, but I certainly wasn't storing the memories away for later, if you know what I mean. No - loud, scatty, middle aged, very, very Spanish women don't really do it for me I'm afraid, even if they are showing off their bits. And, for some reason, I can just imagine them being very, very hairy bits.

I really need to go and not think about this.


  • I'm not thinking about it either. I've never understood the supposed male attraction to dangly fanny bits. I reckon it's as invented as that story about guys liking beer.

    By Jove!

    By Blogger P., at 12:46 am  

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