This Week I Hate

Monday, October 09, 2006

Binge Drinking

I live a reasonably healthy lifestyle most of the time. Monday to Thursday I don't drink alcohol, exercise every day, eat fresh fruit and vegetables everyday, don't drink caffine, don't eat processed food, or food that is high in salt or fat, and try and get at least 8 hours sleep a night.

Come Friday night, I feel justified in having a beer or two. It's the end of the week - I've endured another five days at work. And I won all my squash games! So why not? There's nothing wrong in that. So I have a couple of beers after work and go home...get changed and go straight out to the pub again and end up at three in the morning staggering home with a half eaten kebab in my hand.

Fine - I was winding down from the week. Ok, so maybe the Jack Daniels was slightly unnecessary once I was sick of beer, but there you go.

Saturday night presents a whole new set of problems, as I normally get a phone call from my friends who have just finished watching football and meet them in the pub - at 6pm. Invariably another night of 'just a couple of beers' ends up in a 3am mess.

I start back at work on Monday feeling like I've completely un-done last week's good living in two days. In truth, I probably have. Five Days of good eating and exercise wiped out in just two (long) nights.

The thing is, I like going to the pub with my friends. I might not have friends forever, so I should make the most of it while I can. Well, that's one of my excuses anyway. But it can't really be good for me, can it? So what to do? Get some fucking will power I guess.


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