This Week I Hate

Thursday, September 21, 2006

American Lawsuits

Global warming is, as we should all know, becoming a bit of a problem. All these fumes that we generate for all manner of wonderful things will, eventually, we are lead to believe, make our planet uninhabitable.

Which is fine - ok, I'll have a think about it and probably try and change a few things. I'll use my green wheelie bin and generally 'do my bit'.

That's not good enough for California, though. See, instead of appreciating the impact these things are having and looking for ways of cutting back and trying to make things a bit better, they've decided, as is The American Way, that it's much easier to just blame someone else.

So who to blame? The people creating the toxic fumes? No, they voted them in. The people refusing to increase the tax on the things that create these fumes, thus providing no incentive for the users to find alternatives? No - don't be silly, that's them. No - they're blaming the people who make the cars.

In their words "For creating a public nuisance" and, more laughably, they claim to be combatting "Global Warming (that has) already injured...the health and well-being of (California's) citizens."

That'll be the same citizens who are driving around in Humvees and Cryslers then, will it? The people who drive 200 yards to the shops because the lack of pavements or cycle ways makes it much easier to just jump in the car? The people who are paying less than two dollars per gallon for 'gas'?

It's called supply and demand, California. They only make the cars because you lot buy them and use them (excessively). If you really want to do something about the effect cars are having on Global Warming, teach your 'citizens' how to ride a bike and stop blaming other people for your own mess of a consumer society.


  • Well said, that man. If you're feeling particularly anti senseless-American, try this, if you haven't already:

    By Blogger P., at 12:39 am  

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