This Week I Hate

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I'm only writing this because I've got nothing else to waste my time on. I've checked all five of my email accounts for the third time today. Checked my alter-Myspace-ego. Read the news on the BBC and Sky News websites. Posted on my alter-Blog-ego. Checked the three forums I frequent for the third time today.

The fact that I have two online alter-egos is evidence enough that I waste too much bloody time! Becuase it's not that I don't have anything to do - I have a book to write! I am writing it - I'm about four chapters in but I could be halfway through it if I had the sense to make myself concentrate and JUST FUCKING GET ON WITH IT.

Once I start I'm fine - I'm off. Two hours can pass and I won't notice, so involved I get in the writing. But it's just that first bit - breaking the seal, tipping me over the edge. I put it off as much as I possibly can and I don't even know why. I need discipline. Either that or a smack round the head.


  • I'm on my round to belt you one. No stop day dreaming and get on with it shirker.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:46 pm  

  • ......yeah start following cricket! Now, just need to make a cup of tea before you start......... and then maybe a sandwich........ and then pop down the pub........ oh look, its bed time. Guess you can always start following cricket tomorrow! ;o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:28 pm  

  • Caffeine always helps me settle down and start doing just one thing without getting carried away and irritable and wanting to get up and not concentrate and pace around and wonder why I'm not getting and work done when I want to sit and concentrate so much it gets on my nerves so that it keeps distracting me from what i should really be doing, so I think I might just go and have another glass of Coke, which will certainly help.

    By Blogger Del, at 1:26 am  

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