This Week I Hate

Thursday, March 16, 2006


When I refuse a biscuit/some chocolate in the office, the normal response is along the lines of, "You should be able to eat what you like - you're skinny," or, "That's why he's so thin."

First off, this isn't news to me, ok? Believe it or not, I had noticed that I'm not particularly 'big boned'. It's partly due to my genetic make up and partly a choice I make. I eat well and exercise a lot. I was fat-ish once - thanks to my first year at university, a house with no oven (only frying pans) and lots of beer.

The main thing, however, is that people seem to think it's perfectly alright to comment on and discuss my weight, physique and general physical make-up. I'm not embarassed about it - like I said, I know I'm quite thin (although I weigh more than most people assume I do). But they wouldn't do it with the office fatty would they? "Another biscuit, Claire? No wonder you're such a fat bitch!" "More chocolate Rachel? Fuck me, you don't care about heart disease do you?!"

No, they wouldn't. Maybe I should?


  • Go for it. Call the buscuit eaters fat. People say things like that to me at work too. I work with a load of fat people.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:43 pm  

  • You were not fat at uni. You had (and still do) a very cute little bum ;o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 pm  

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