This Week I Hate

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lazy People

Witnessed last weekend on a beach in Somerset:

A couple had driven onto the beach with their two dogs. The dogs were let out and the boot left open. The couple proceeded to drive around in circles, encouraging the dogs, through the open boot, to run along behind. This, presumably, was their version of 'taking the dogs for a walk on the beach'. I saw both people walking around the car quite easily, so disability cannot be their reason. I can think of no other. Lazy bastards.


  • Somerset? Perfectly normal behaviour for that part of the

    By Blogger Mike, at 3:57 pm  

  • Oh dear, Mike.

    Isn't it obvious that Somerset dogs are much faster than their coughing and spluttering urban cousins therefore the only way to get a good head start is in a vehicle!

    Or more likely they were townies who couldn't physically(or mentally) deal with the strain of walking on sand. Also its the only way townies can make their Chealsea Trackers look like they are actually used for off-roading.

    By Blogger TB, at 9:24 pm  

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