This Week I Hate

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Poorly Designed Food Packaging

It's rice and pasta packets I'm talking about really. Every bloody time I open one, no matter how carefully, it splits itself down the side. Try and pour the contents out and you get a worktop covered in rice. Fold it up to store it, using the little sticky re-sealing device, and the split grows, covering the kitchen again.

Who comes up with this shit? And more to the point, why haven't they realised that it doesn't fucking work properly? Take me to their house! I bet they have their rice and pasta in trendy containers with lids, the packets discarded long-ago. Well fine, in that case provide me with a trendy container when I buy pasta. Either that or don't design the packaging pretending that it works as a storage device. The top peels apart teasingly, hinting that a pouring spout might develop out of the folds at the opening, before the split starts to appear and then grow. And the sticky re-sealing thing. What's that for if not re-sealing and storing the food? They're laughing at me aren't they! The bastards. They've planned this. They want me to spill it all over the kitchen so I have to buy it more often. Either that or they own the trendy container companies aswell.

Well I'm on to them. I won't give in and buy trendy containers. I am going to fight this. I will overcome this packet injustice.


  • It was so much better in the good old days when you could buy as much (or little) as you needed in the shop on the corner of your road and they supplied it in a nice environmentally friendly paper bag that was already open and ready to pour. I really am turning into a grumpy old hippy aren't I!? Any one up for starting a commune somewhere nice? :o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:14 pm  

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