This Week I Hate

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Waiting for a response

It's just a yes or no I want, nothing complicated. I sent it to them two weeks ago - that's plenty of time! But they keep me waiting, keep me wondering, hoping, checking my email.

I'm done with the suspense thing now though - I'd just like to know, thank you very much. Then I can get on with the rest of my life.


  • Although I've no idea who you're waiting for a "Yes" or "No" from, I'm guessing it's some sort of organisation, such as telecoms company, or a bank? Only those sorts of companies can take weeks to provide a yes or no.

    And I'm sure at the end of the convoluted process that takes a week to complete is a guy that picks up the next request and tosses a coin. This guy is illiterate and fitted with a blindfold to ensure that he has no idea what your request actually entails.

    Depending on the result of the coin toss (some days "Heads" will be "Yes", other days, vice-versa, to save him getting bored) he just uses a big rubber stamp to put a "Yes" or "No" across the letter/application/request.

    So chill. Don't rush the poor guy. He's a busy man....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:18 pm  

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