Hot, isn't it?
Yes. Believe it or not, I had noticed. Have you never experienced changes in the weather before? Or seasons? This one is called Summer! And in a few months we will have gone through Autumn and into Winter, when it will probably get quite cold.
I expect you'll be bleeting on about that when it happens.
I expect you'll be bleeting on about that when it happens.
Thought you'd given up...
What was it? Just too much hate...
By Mike, at 12:28 pm
I thought I might return - the 'for now' was my get out clause.
I didn't realise it would be this quickly, I must admit. I was obviously just ignoring the really annoying people over the last couple of weeks.
That and the unexpected response to my quitting post - I didn't realise people actually read this shit.
By Percy Herbert, at 7:07 pm
Oh PH, you do make me chuckle...
By Anonymous, at 11:58 pm
yeh! more hate! more hate!
ok i'm scaring myself now...
By Lizzie, at 3:09 pm
I didn't realise it would be this quickly
I have whole lifetimes like that.
Nice one though.
By P., at 12:34 am
It's called 'hope', innit.
By P., at 11:41 pm
Yay more hate! :o)
By Anonymous, at 6:44 pm
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