This Week I Hate

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Celebrity Adoptions

Is it wrong for Madonna to whisk a small African child away from a life of poverty to go and live with her in egotistical luxury? The little fella will undoubtedly live a privileged life now (provding the rules remain broken for her), if you can count privilege in pounds and dollars. But what has he been taken away from?

His mother died through birth complications and, as I understand it, his surviving family do not have the means to support him. He was living in a orphanage, like many thousands of other childrens in Africa. His life would have been tough, again, like many thousands of others. But a life none the less. An African life.

Who is Madonna to say that her life of mansions and money is a better life than a poor African one? Does her version of life have more worth? That's what gets me - the arrogance. Yes, (parts of) Africa (are) is tough. They need help and we should help if we can and if it's wanted but this isn't helping, is it? Wouldn't her money, time and influence be better spent doing all she could to help a bigger group of people? And not just taking one child away from his culture and people to satisfy her own humanitarian ego?

I'm asking questions here because I don't know the answers, but it strikes me as a knee-jerk reaction to a bigger problem, designed more for the benefit of Madonna's own well-being than that of the child.


  • What's most alarming is ending up with guy like Shane Ritchie as your adoptive father....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 pm  

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