This Week I Hate

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our Cooker

The hobs. I've lived with it for five years, and I have got used to them, but it doesn't stop them being fucking annoying.

They're electric, you see, which is a bad thing to start with. But it's worse than that. If you were making an electric hob you would design it to perform along the following lines, right?

Hob is set to 'number 3' (out of four). Hob heats up to 3 level and stays at 3 level. Hob is reduced to number 2. Hob reduces heat to '2' level and stays there.

It's easy, isn't it? I mean really fucking easy, right? So why the fuck did someone think it necessary to make our hobs like this:

Hob is set to number 3. Hob gets REALLY FUCKING HOT - LIKE, HOTTER THAN YOU WOULD EVER NEED IT. Then, after about two minutes, reduces to what you would expect to be about number one level.

I'm just...I dunno. Dumbfounded. Speachless. Who the fuck are these people and why aren't they being rounded up and shot? No, actually, not shot. I want answers before we kill them. Rounded up, tied up and made to explain their fucking backward thinking. Then shot.


  • All electric hobs are the same. We have to turn ours on 10 minutes before we want to use it to give it time to heat up. and it only has 2 settings, Dante's inferno or off.

    Subsequently there is no such thing as 'a quick bowl of pasta' in our house. 3 days notice, minimum.

    By Blogger Daisy Twoshoes, at 4:46 pm  

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