This Week I Hate

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Permanent 'Open' Signs

Driving around unfamiliar territory in a car running on the last of the fumes is a nervy enough experience, made all the worse by people who put up signs like this:


Who, I discover, after a sigh of relief and a left turn off of a busy road, aren't bloody open at all. Ok, so it was Bank Holiday Monday and, no, I didn't expect every petrol place to be open, especially in the back of the back of beyond, as we were, but I also didn't expect them to put up signs that were fucking lying.

That wasn't the only one I encountered over the last week or so, on holiday. In fact, when I think about it, they're everywhere.

Hand Car Wash - Open! Cafe - Open! Open for food and drink!

Open 24 hours a day, are you? Every day of the year? No? Change the fucking sign then you tedious cunt.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Getting a response

What did I say? I'll remind you:

"It's just a yes or no I want."

Easy then, isn't it. No problem. Yes - great. No - oh, bollocks.

What do I get? A sort of 'thank you, it's good, not our normal sort of thing but we like the idea, so we'll keep hold of it' maybe.

Fucking maybe.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Waiting for a response

It's just a yes or no I want, nothing complicated. I sent it to them two weeks ago - that's plenty of time! But they keep me waiting, keep me wondering, hoping, checking my email.

I'm done with the suspense thing now though - I'd just like to know, thank you very much. Then I can get on with the rest of my life.