This Week I Hate

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Would people please stop going around fucking stabbing everyone.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I'm only writing this because I've got nothing else to waste my time on. I've checked all five of my email accounts for the third time today. Checked my alter-Myspace-ego. Read the news on the BBC and Sky News websites. Posted on my alter-Blog-ego. Checked the three forums I frequent for the third time today.

The fact that I have two online alter-egos is evidence enough that I waste too much bloody time! Becuase it's not that I don't have anything to do - I have a book to write! I am writing it - I'm about four chapters in but I could be halfway through it if I had the sense to make myself concentrate and JUST FUCKING GET ON WITH IT.

Once I start I'm fine - I'm off. Two hours can pass and I won't notice, so involved I get in the writing. But it's just that first bit - breaking the seal, tipping me over the edge. I put it off as much as I possibly can and I don't even know why. I need discipline. Either that or a smack round the head.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Charity 'Challenges'

Yes, of course, any money raised for a charity is a good thing. But why dress it up so much and, worse, pretend to actually be 'doing' something?

"Will you sponsor me?" a woman at work asked me.

"What you doing?"

"Race for life," she replied.

"Ok. How far's that?"

"Three miles. I won't be running it though! God no - I'll be walking round."

So, basically, she's walking three miles. I walk about three miles every fucking day! I'm sure most people do. Why doesn't she just say 'please give some money to this charity because I can't be arsed to do anything of note'? I'd prefer that - at least it's honest. It'd be fair enough if walking three miles were a challenge for her. If it stretched her physical and mental capabilities then it might inspire me some more. But it doesn't. It's like me saying 'Sponsor me - I'm going to eat a sandwich!'

The other end of this is freeloading on the back of a charity's name. For example, 'I'm climbing a mountain - please sponsor me'. If they raise enough money it costs them £1000 to go climb Mount Kilimanjaro instead of around £2000 as it normally would. That's not charity, that's a fucking cheap holiday.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


"I'm really into my hip hop at the moment."

It's 'your' hip hop, is it? You own it, do you? Or do you create it? Neither? There's a surprise. Please fuck off.

Monday, May 08, 2006


On two occasions already today a student has managed to block my way up a staircase. That's one student on each occassion, each blocking a whole staircase. How do they manage it? Neither was particularly fat. Predictably, they were both using their mobiles. Which is fine, but why do they have to stand in the middle of the fucking way of everyone while they're arranging their next pint of snakebite?

Another student, spotted on the same walk around the campus, had the strangest pair of 'scruffy jeans' I've seen. Now, I realise this is going to make me sound like an aging, out-of-touch-with-the-kids, miserable git, but I don't really care. A three inch gap separated the waist band from the rest of his jeans, with only two thin pieces of material holding it all together. You could see his ass, basically. My first thought was 'what happens if he catches them on something?' He would, presumably, become jeans-less. And it would serve him right, the silly cunt.