This Week I Hate

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not knowing the answer to this question...

Ok, so this is a thinly disguised way of publicly airing my thoughts, but there you go - this is a Blog, it's what normal Bloggers do, so give me a break.

Anyway - the question that has been bothering me for the last week or so is:

What is the difference between a prostitute and a porn star?

Because, on the face of it, it's pretty simple, right? They both fuck for cash. It's as simple as that, isn't it? Or am I missing something? What is it that defines them?

Maybe it's that prostitutes are making themselves available to the public? You could argue the same is true of some porn stars - what about that Chinese woman who tried to shag as many blokes in a day as possible? She had hundreds of them lined up by public invitation. Or the American porn star who walks the streets looking for people to take home and do things to. Not that I watch these things, you understand. Someone once told me about them.

Consider this - phone rings, girl picks up phone. Man asks if she will come to a hotel room and have sex with two men. She agrees, goes to hotel room and has sex with the two men. She is paid cash.

What circumstance has to be in place that makes that girl one or the other?

Maybe porn stars pay tax?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Blind, Arrogant Car Drivers

(*Guest Hate* This hate was submitted by Roger Emery - cyclist, father of two and general moaning bastard)

What gives you the right, in your ton and a half of fume-belching metal, to think you have right of way over all others? You're late? Oh excuse me - go ahead then, please, pull out in front of me without looking to see me on my push bike and try to kill me. After all, you are the most important person in the world and need to get to your stinking, shiney-suited, middle management job in such a hurry to keep up the payments on your dull grey volvo or fog coloured BMW. No, smart arse, it's not silver and neither are your unneccessary sunglasses on an overcast day.

And why are you so late you have to try to kill people to get to work? Is it because you are too lazy to walk or too selfish to take public transport? Or is your personality so vile it needs to be kept by itself in a wheeled box with room for five? Or is it because there are just sooo many other frivolous single occupant vehicles in your way - yes they are a bother aren't they!

Oh, sorry, you need to drop your fat, lazy, playstationed offspring off at their detention centre. So it's you that deems it safe to park half on the pavement outside of schools so people with toddlers and prams have to take to the roads to get around you, while you unobservantly open your doors into the path of anything that is trying to get past. Please do us all a favour - set your sat nav to Cuba and point your sensory deprevation chamber towards Lands End. And on your way, try not to knock me and my 2 year old son off of our push bike. Thank you.


When I refuse a biscuit/some chocolate in the office, the normal response is along the lines of, "You should be able to eat what you like - you're skinny," or, "That's why he's so thin."

First off, this isn't news to me, ok? Believe it or not, I had noticed that I'm not particularly 'big boned'. It's partly due to my genetic make up and partly a choice I make. I eat well and exercise a lot. I was fat-ish once - thanks to my first year at university, a house with no oven (only frying pans) and lots of beer.

The main thing, however, is that people seem to think it's perfectly alright to comment on and discuss my weight, physique and general physical make-up. I'm not embarassed about it - like I said, I know I'm quite thin (although I weigh more than most people assume I do). But they wouldn't do it with the office fatty would they? "Another biscuit, Claire? No wonder you're such a fat bitch!" "More chocolate Rachel? Fuck me, you don't care about heart disease do you?!"

No, they wouldn't. Maybe I should?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lazy People

Witnessed last weekend on a beach in Somerset:

A couple had driven onto the beach with their two dogs. The dogs were let out and the boot left open. The couple proceeded to drive around in circles, encouraging the dogs, through the open boot, to run along behind. This, presumably, was their version of 'taking the dogs for a walk on the beach'. I saw both people walking around the car quite easily, so disability cannot be their reason. I can think of no other. Lazy bastards.